A Timeless Story is, ultimately, the story of ego.
There are millions of blogs out there, many of which cover the same ground I do. Many of them are better, many of them reach more people, many of them have better designs, a larger userbase, all kinds of merch to buy, Facebook groups to join, anything and everything you might imagine that’s missing from this site.
There are style blogs from guys who haven’t needed to spend a cent on their clothes in years, from professional models, fashion experts and all kinds of people way more qualified than me.
There are masculinity blogs that have been around for years, almost all of whom probably know what I’m doing far better than I do, and are probably much more erudite than I could ever hope to me.
There are religious blogs created by people with degrees, from clergymen who have dedicated their life to understanding the meaning behind a single verse, who can dive deeper than I ever imagined possible.
So why would I ever dream of trying something that has ground so well-tread it looks kind of like a highway? Ego, really. But also because I’ve never found a single one that mixes everything I’m looking for, everything I needed when I was developing (and still am!), that offered the guidance, the observations, the experiences I’m putting out there.
I’m doing this because I believe that you should be the change you want to see in the world, and I believe that this is the change I want to see, and the change I want to be.
So maybe you’ll read this and sigh in disgust and click away; that’s your prerogative, I certainly can’t stop you. Or maybe reading this has reminded you of an ache, of an emptiness that you tried to hide, the same emptiness that drove me to create this blog, to write this article, to synthesize years of learning into readable words. In that case, I invite you to stay, and to learn a little of what I’ve learned, of what I’m still learning, and hope to pass on